The Archons

There are 65 or more extra-terrestrial races that come and go and are among us, but this race in particular has been since the beginning of humans and is the most influential before the human mind.

It is perceived that already some retired authorities of special forces are writing messages of what happens with the existence of the "beings" and what can happen, where they live and what they intend to do, but I also perceive that when the media echo you those messages in its publication, and the powerful governments will ask that then those news be identified as false messages so as not to upset the citizens.

Nothing worse than that, since there is a reality and it is the dominant presence of the Archons over the gray beings and especially over the people, it is like a union of beings and Archons that only seek that people become more aggressive.
For years, the Archons were the ones who influenced people to make them destructive and warlike, because there was a direct influence.

Humanity was made to progress and so that as a couple they generate Positive Energy, creating growth mantles.
I know that the effect of the Archons can be felt, you can feel their soft vibration when they install elements inside the person, especially in their neck or in the genitals of men

For more information we could find this page that says a lot like some of the phrases written below: https://www.bibliotecapleyades.net/vida_alien/alien_archons32.htm

The Archons want to keep Humanity under "the coercion of fear and worry," because they feed on such emotions. The negative energy gives them the space to function. They are psychic parasites capable of controlling the mind on many levels. But they exist, and they have existed, without humans, and they do not need us for their survival.
Some people, some faction of the "elite", have been cooperating in secret with the aliens since the dawn of time. The interdimensional Archons manifest themselves as space aliens from other civilizations, as angels and as UFOs, but these are deceptions.

The aliens manipulate humans, since they are interested in the energy of the soul. They feed on it.
The Archons produce human misery in every culture and country. They have probably founded secret societies and used the occult to bring people closer to their presence.

All prevailing thought has a hostile attitude in terms of studying its existence. Science largely considers UFOs, aliens and the paranormal as little more than inventions of our overactive imaginations. The Archons have in fact created materialistic science to distort the truth and keep people in the dark.
His dream is to become drones like them by creating wars, hunger, mental retardation, hatred and disgust.
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