Why am I being "Haunted" ?

We are discarding any positive close encounters or past ones trying to communicate. This is about negative hauntings

A bit of what I Know just to share, its up to you to take it or leave it. I understand many might have their own opinion but this is why we do our own posts, I will always respect the beliefs and opinions of others, as you should respect mine. Leaving all physical and medical reasons aside and Only looking at it in an energy level:

First you need to understand that energies are everywhere and there are different types of them. No one can really tell you how many different "species" really are there because well.. we would have to encounter all of the dimensions, galaxies and universe and there is many still being dealt with. Time and space does not matter for them. I find funny when i hear there are "X" amount of alien species...? really ? All that matter is.. they are energy.

So, once you have established and understood that energies are Everywhere, now we go to: why me?
If you are having that question is because you are more than likely dealing with negative influenced dead people or negative entities per say. (When i say energies i mean all of the above, from souls to aliens, because we ALL exist because of Energy).
Homes are filled with suspended souls (dead people) but most of them are just peacefully waiting to be crossed over, most of them will not bother you and they are Positive souls. Simple: if you die an you are a positive person you will be a positive soul. If you are a negative person you will be that kind of dead person you will make living peoples lives a living hell and enjoy it.

The environment in which you grow up is very important. If you are growing up in a home where your family is happy and love flows through the walls you will more than likely not experience or absorb any negativity because the barrier that the unity of a family can have based on Love, understanding, communication and a peaceful environment has a lot to do with what you let in your home. Your home can be full of dead positive souls, and they fulfill the space not making any negatives feel welcomed, they protect you. Unless you have the bad luck of moving into a home that's already haunted, thats another story.

If you grow up in a home where your parents are constantly fighting, arguing, and specially if there is a bad habit or addiction involved then this is where it all starts. Unfortunately these things can happen mainly hereditary, but the act of having the addiction or having the bad humor all the time is what attracts negative energies to your home. Our acts radiate a certain energy, like how your mind generates energy to attract things, good or bad. So if there is lots of negative ACTS and thoughts in a home then these acts attracts negative energies, its very simple.

If you are thinking positive but you never show love or affection for your family, you are leaving an open door for negative energy to influence.
All aspects of where to generate positive energy will be explained in another post.

When you are a kid you are very vulnerable and sensible to energies around you. You don't have stress or worries in your life yet so you have these 6th sense more opened to perceive whats around you.

If you are ever put in a situation of extreme vulnerability like for example, you are hit or treated very badly and you as a kid feel like you are no good for anything, or you are crying and alone you will be vulnerable to absorb bits of negativity around you. When i mean absorb i mean ABSORB. They manifest as Little tiny black dots of negative energy inside your body, that either start to grow or not throughout the years. Its your choice if you "feed it" or not. You can feed it with negative actions or naturally ignore it and overpower it with positive actions (I have a personal experience with this when i was a kid which i will mention in another post)

With this said: always take care of your kids and make sure they are HAPPY. This doesnt mean dont ground them, just dont ever make them feel like NOTHING or good for nothing, protect them, take the patience to explain things.

If you live in a home with addictions or abuse unfortunately you were exposed to the most negativity, but dont wry its not the end of the world and this does not define you.

So when you grow older if you as a kid have been exposed to negativity for different reasons you will start to rebel out most of the time, not pay attention, make poor choices. (we are human, we are meant to make mistakes) Its ok.
Just the more amount of negative decisions we take, the more negative energy we attract, its a situation that goes hand in hand, Its logic, Just like the more positive things we do the more positive situations we attract.

You don't necessarily have to be "haunted" to be affected by negative energy. But there is so many different cases it cannot be generalized into one.

So on the light hand first:
If you have attracted to your life negative energy you will clearly start seeing its effects (as someone recommended on a past post) its good to keep a journal. You should every now and then "REVIEW" yourself, as how you act, where your life is going, are you happy ? Have you found your purpose?

The more you allow yourself to be living a life where you generate no positivism , meaning where you are NOT Happy in any way, the more you are a subject to experience paranormal situations. (once again, There are exceptions, never generalize)

In some cases it might be something your own family has done in the past that might later start affecting you.

What i would really like people to understand is that the biggest SHIELD you can have, or the biggest Protection you can have towards any negative paranormal experience is Positive energy {LOVE} . Meaning in most "fresh" cases, not extreme|, you can make things better yourself.

If you are declining in your life then is mainly because you are also allowing it at first, you must create positive energy with hugging your family, your spouse, caring, etc. When you kiss the person you most love in the world you are generating positive energy, but the problem is that people going through influences of negativity usually let them win , because negative energy will make you feel like you want to be away, not intimate, not caring, not sweet, alone, in a bad mood, or not in the mood, etc.

Most people don't even know they have negativity in their home because it hasnt gotten "BAD" yet. Just keep an eye out for negative changes through the years.

So when you ask yourself why me?
Really review... why do you think you are most subjected to these experiences?
What actions have happened to you or around you that might have attracted these energies at some point, that now it has just become worse?

Once we find the origin it will be easier to find an answer.

Energies have CONSCIENCE, they know what to trigger. If you like drugs, or alcohol, or porn, or cabarets, violence, or well whatever that is filled with negativity, it will make you want it more , it will trigger your Sensible spot so its you that makes the first decision, once you make it , you let them in.

To finish this one please note there are exceptions in hauntings, if this doesnt relate to you i will try to post specifically every case, like specific demonic haunting, witchcraft or people that play with games like Ouija etc. This is just the most "generic" for most regular people.

Thank you
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