What is energy?

Energy is something universal, something difficult to explain because it has no concrete explanation.
It is what surrounds us, what created us, what gives us life and what we exist.
It is what our parents generated at the moment of conceiving us.
It is what we generate every day of our lives when we get out of bed, what we generate with every action we have, good or bad.
What gives us the power to BE.
The energy is EVERYTHING.

That's how simple we'll talk about how to understand it and how to handle it.
Every action and thought we have creates an energy, if it is a positive action it creates positive energy, if it is a negative action, it creates negative energy.
We shape the life in which we live. Since we woke up we are making decisions, we decide what mood to be in, what we allow to bother and upset, or not. We decide, and each decision brings a consequence, Good or bad. If you decide to wake up with a smile you will be proposing that your day should be a happy day, but a smile does not define the day, it is only your first decision, there will always be obstacles in life and you have the power to be able to cope as you wish. If you fall out of bed decide to laugh about it or get angry and start the day with an anger?
In short, every action has the consequence of generating a particular energy. The more positive energy you generate, the more positive your life will be.

Why do we fill ourselves with negativity?
When you are a child you do not have the slightest idea what it means to have worries, responsibilities, stress, etc. We have a blank mind, we are a sponge ready to learn what the world brings us. The only way a child absorbs negativity is if it is put in a situation of aggression and vulnerability that opens to receive negative energies, everything depends on the environment that is raised.
But otherwise being a child, living life and get juice out of the simplest things is positive, because everything looks nice, full optimism.
As soon as we reach adolescence, things get complicated, you start worrying about hormonal changes, grades, falling in love, etc. If there are no parents who provide constant support it is very normal for a boy to start following the popular public. Nobody was born knowing how to be a father but nobody is born knowing anything. The repression of a teenager without support is usually enough to start making inappropriate decisions, unintentionally and as soon as they begin to make serious mistakes they begin to generate negativity. But this does not happen until after being surrounded by a group of people who are also negativized. People in themselves radiate a wave of energy, a vibration that loads other people. When you know someone immediately you know if the person has a "good vibes" or if they have bad vibes. Humans have a sense and perception that it is not necessary to be spiritual to feel it, it is the human instinct that is often called a hunch and not often pay attention. If you surround yourself with people with problems, who are constantly downloading, who complain about everything, etc, you are only going to be contagious of the negativities of those people, without realizing it. If you work in a place where there are many workers or you attend to many people, you have to be aware that each of these people is radiating a different energy, each one has its own problems to worry about. It is a normal discharge of the human being that occurs unconsciously.
So in general, everyone is charged with at least a little bit of negativity. It is inevitable, but also insignificant. Because what you can carry where you work or with whom you surround yourself is not enough to affect you in your life. The problem is when you keep those burdens and start making inadequate decisions. Everything is related. The more charged you are, the more likely you are to fall under some influence and make any kind of mistake.

Of course we are not perfect and we are here to learn, to make mistakes. But energetically, the fewer mistakes we make, the better. And the mistakes we make that have generated negative energy the only way to get rid of these energies is through repentance.
A person who is wrong but looking optimistically to learn, correct and decide not to get bogged down but move forward with force is a person who constantly generates positivity.

A person who is wrong and gives up, gets bogged down in his mistakes, disguises mistakes to blame others and does not learn, is a person who never generated positivity.
We do not have to focus too much time on negative situations and that does not mean ignoring them, but giving them their due time and moving forward, focusing your energy on positive things.

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